Call us at 1-800-697-8819

Quality Voice Talent since 1998

FAQs and Help

Speedy answers to get you going

Recuts & Revisions

Spanish Translation & Voiceovers


Tips for Better Production

Web Site Issues

Speedy answers to get you going

What are your hours of business?

We're located in Chelsea, Michigan which is in the Eastern Time Zone. Our office hours are Monday thru Friday 7:00am - 7:00pm. We are closed on the weekends. We are also closed on major holidays.

Who is Speedy Spots and what can you do for me?

Since 1998, Speedy Spots specializes in providing dozens of world-class voice talents with high quality, low cost, fast turnaround of voiceovers for TV, radio, on-hold messaging, industrial narration, corporate training, e-learning, IVR, web-based training and practically any project that requires a human voice.  All for an incredibly low price.

Are the Voice Talents real people, or AI Voices?

We don’t use any AI voices. Our roster of talent are humans, and they are carefully selected and vetted for ability, professionalism, and studio quality.

How fast can you get my voiceover back to me?

VERY FAST! You just have to let us know if you need your audio back right away. A talent’s availability is displayed alongside their names listed throughout the website.  To help us expedite your request, please check that the talent is showing availability as “Today”.  We do not charge more for same day turn-around, but you must select the “same day” button on the “create a request” form to guarantee the fastest turn-around. If you do not choose same day delivery, you can expect your voiceover back as early as 9am the next business day.  We will contact you promptly if we need more time to complete your request.  Teen talent may take between 1 & 2 days to complete.

Is there a limit to where and how long I can use audio I purchase from Speedy Spots?

No! Your purchase is a complete buyout from us. Use it for as long as you like and broadcast it wherever you wish. Please note, we do not offer exclusivity contracts with any of our voice talents.

Can I have music or sound effects added to my audio?

We have an extensive music and sound effects library and our creative production staff can add just about anything you can imagine to your audio. Cost starts as low as $15 per spot. You can preview the music selections yourself (login required) But you can also leave the choice up to us.

Can I have an audition read to make sure I like the voice?

Any copy that is 2 minutes or longer qualifies for a free demo read. Simply submit your long format script and a producer will contact you to explain the free demo read process. When copy is less than 2 minutes, we ask that you refer to the talents online demos.  A talent’s demo is the best representation of his/her range and capabilities. Be sure to indicate which demo type and which specific track you like! While we don’t provide audition reads for commercial spots, we do understand that you may not find what you’re looking for from the online demos. In special cases, such as with character voices, we’d be happy to have the talent record a short demo for you.

Do I get more than 1 read on my voiceover?

If your script is :10 or less, the talent will provide you with at least 2 takes. It is the talents discretion as to whether you receive multiple takes with each script over :10. The only way to guarantee multiple reads on scripts over :10 is to pay for each take.

Can I get a live session with your voice talent or talk to your talent in person?

No, sorry. In order to keep costs to a minimum, we do not offer live directing sessions, phone patches or phone calls directly to talents. We would be happy to pass along all of the information you deem necessary in order to get you the fantastic read you expect. Our staff is always willing and eager to discuss the details of your production. It is rare that you will call during regular business hours and get voicemail at Speedy Spots. Even if for some reason a recorded message answers, your call will be returned within minutes. Check out the "Tips For Better Production" section of the FAQ too!

Do you have any other suggestions that will help me understand what you will need to process my request for voiceover?

Yes, please see our Tips For Better Production section for lots of information regarding making our service easier to use.

I've just discovered an error in the script I sent you! How do I stop it from being recorded?

As long as the talent hasn't finished the voiceover, we will be able to halt your order and get the correction conveyed to the talent.  However, if the talent has completed voicing your script then we would bill you again for the new read. Call us right away if you need us to stop production.


Recuts & Revisions

The read I got wasn't exactly what I was looking for. Can you recut it for free?

More than likely!  If you gave ample direction and you feel the talent missed the mark, we'll recut at no additional cost. In the unlikely event you are dissatisfied with any recuts there will be no charge.  Our aim is to get it right for you the first time. We do not produce voice overs as "trial runs". Any changes to the script or to the direction provided after the final has been produced will incur another charge.  You should supply as much information as possible so we can get you exactly what your seeking. See Tips For Better Production to learn more.

I've changed one word on a script you voiced for me earlier in the day. Will I be billed again?

Yes. You will be billed again if there is any kind of change to the copy or instruction after the talent has produced the original voiceover.

I gave you the wrong pronunciation for a word. Will I be rebilled?

Yes, anytime your instructions or the copy changes you will be re-billed if the talent has already produced the read.

If we have you choose the talent for us and we don't like the talent you selected, can we change the talent for no extra charge?

No. If you request us to choose the talent for your production, we will do our best to select appropriately for the type of read you are looking for.  This talent of course will recut the audio if for some reason your directions were not followed. To change from a talent that was selected on your behalf, a new charge would incur.

I selected the voice talent myself, but turns out my client isn't crazy about his/her voice for this particular script. Can I select another talent to read the same script at no additional cost?

Sorry, we can only have the original talent recut it for you if you find your instructions were not followed. To change talents, you will need to pay again. It's important to listen carefully to the talent demos.  Each demo contains a variety of read styles in order for you to make a selection based on your individual needs.

I don't want to change talents, I only want to change the style he/she is reading in. Will I be billed again?

Yes! Anytime you change the originally supplied vocal directions or the copy, you will be billed again.

How do I cancel a request?

Being able to cancel a request is going to depend on whether the talent has completed recording it or not. Since a lot of our talents are fast, it would be best to give us a call at 1-800-697-8819 if you need to cancel.  Before calling try to have the Speedy Spots request number handy.  Please note, because of our incredibly fast service, and 9 am the next business day or sooner model for delivering voiceovers, requests for cancelation outside of our normal business hours are very difficult to accommodate.

I'm producing a corporate training video and the script is pretty long. I am ready to have it produced, but I know in a few weeks we will need changes. How do you bill for revisions?

Long format voiceover productions are billed by the length of the voice over. If you have us complete a 20 minute read and later need only certain sections of the voiceover revised, the cost depends on the length of the revised portions that need to be read again. We do not offer any rounds of free copy revisions.

Spanish Translation & Voiceovers

Do you have Spanish speaking talent?

Yes, we have a great pool of Hispanic talent, both male & female.  They are native speakers of Spanish and will record in neutral, unaccented Spanish.


I have software that will translate English words to Spanish. Can I use this software and send you the translation to use in a voiceover?

No, Computer Assisted Translation (CAT) tools (such as Google Translate and similar) currently are not capable of producing quality translations. Proper grammar, syntax, words that have multiple meanings and slang words are usually replaced with sentences that may make no sense. Humor, word play, cultural references etc. are elements the translation software will not translate. You want to impress your audience in English AND in Spanish too, let us help you!

Do you translate from English to Spanish or Spanish to English?

Yes, we have human translators who will translate your commercial voiceover scripts. Please note, We only translate standard commercial scripts i.e., :15, :30 and :60 second spots. 

If I have a :30 script in English and need you to translate it to Spanish, will the translated script be longer than :30?

Yes, once translated, it will be longer than :30 in Spanish. As a rule of thumb, a :30 English script needs to be shortened by approximately :05 in order for the voiceover to be completed in Spanish in the :30 time frame.


I want to record the same voice-over in English and in Spanish, can you do it?

Yes, we have a few bilingual talents who can record in both languages. Note: English reads by Spanish talent will be accented. Please review the English demos on the pages of the Spanish-speaking talents. The ones that do speak English are only able to produce VO for standard Commercial spots i.e., :15, :30, :60 second spots. 



How do you bill for tags?

Tags are always billed individually. Our tag rate starts at :15 or less for each individual tag. Talents are required to give at least two reads for any script :10 or less. We do offer up to a 15% discount for multiple tags that are :05 or less, submitted in a single request (8 or more tags at :05 or less for the 15% discount). Please contact us for a price estimate with each order. The discount depends on the chosen talent, number of tags, and length of tags.

When can I expect a bill from Speedy Spots?

All accounts will be emailed a monthly invoice on the 2nd business day each month.  New accounts will be on pre-pay status. To establish credit with Speedy Spots please call  our Billing Department at (1-800-697-8819). Please keep us updated with a current  email address for billing.

Can Speedy Spots bill to a third party for me?

Sorry, no.  Third party billing takes away from our efficiency and ability to keep costs as low as we do.  Please call us at 1-800-697-8819 if you need more information regarding this policy.

Can you send our invoice & statements to me in the Production Department as well as one to our Accounting Department?

Yes, let us know the e-mail address of each party you would like your invoice & statement sent to.

Our company won't allow us to accept invoices sent by e-mail. Can you snail mail our invoice & statement to us?

Yes, just let us know and we'd be happy to send your invoice & statement via the U.S Postal Service.  NOTE: Sending your invoice & statement via e-mail helps us keep our costs at a minimum enabling us to keep our rates as low as they are.

When I attempt to view my Speedy Spots invoice, I click on the "View Invoice" link but I get an error message stating "Unauthorized access to this page. If you are accessing the page by way of a bookmark, please return to the original e-mailed link.".

The configuration of your web browser causes this problem. A "cookie" must be stored on your computer to view the invoice, but your web browser is configured to refuse cookies.  Please see our Cookies Problem instructions to enable cookies on your browser.

Tips for Better Production

Tip #1 - Phonetics/Pronunciation

Phacoemulsification.  Did you say that right when you first read it?  We didn't either. It's always best to give us a phonetic pronunciation on people, places, and things that may be local and obvious to you, but completely foreign to us.  For instance, the above word would be pronounced like this - (FAY'-koh-ee-MUL'-sih-fuh-KAY'-shin).  Now you've got it. 
Try to use everyday words in your pronunciation.  For instance, the city of Ocala contains "oh", "cal" as in California, and "uh", and is pronounced (oh-KAL'-uh). Also, don't forget to let us know which syllable is stressed. Phonetics can be extremely tricky, so don't hesitate to attach a reference file to your request or call us to go over the correct pronunciation of a word.  Check out the phonetic guide our producers use to help you even further!  

Tip #2 - Talent Selection & Availability

Our talent pages are loaded with demos from every one of our talents. Take a listen to them, and let us know which talent you'd like to use. If there's a part of someone's demo that sounds like what you need, let us know! Telling Emma that you liked the "3rd cut on her commercial demo" is a great way for her to know what kind of read you need. A talent may have several demo "types" so be sure to let them know which demo you were listening to! 

Also, near the name of each of our talents, you will find their daily availability.  We have a lot of talents who can have a voiceover back to you the very same day. To help us expediate your request faster, please check a talent's availability before submitting a request for same-day delivery.  Availability can change often, and we update the information throughout the day. 

Tip #3 - Timing/Length

Before you submit a script, it's important to double check the timing, and make sure it is noted on the script (:10, :15, :30, etc..)  We always proofread the script before we send it to the requested talent, in order to ensure that it fits into the time specified. If your script will not fit into the time you specified, we will contact you. If the length of your voiceover does not matter, please tell us! If your request has no note at all regarding the length, we will contact you. Telling us in your notes "length doesn't matter" helps us process your request faster! 

Tip #4 - Punctuation

Proper Punctuation is a must.  Leaving out periods, commas, and other grammatical marks will inevitably confuse the talent, and may result in a finished product that isn't quite what you were looking for.  It can also be helpful to bold and underline words that you wish to have punched or emphasized.

Web Site Issues

Supported Browsers

Problem: Some Speedy Spots web pages do not display correctly or display errors.

Solution: The display of Speedy Spots pages may vary depending on your computer, operating system, and web browser.  Speedy Spots makes every effort to ensure compatibility with the latest major operating systems and browsers.  To ensure that your computer and software is compatible, please use the latest version of one of these browsers:

Cookie Problems

Problem: Cannot sign in to Speedy Spots or view invoices because web browser cookies are disabled.

Solution: Web browser cookies provide a way for the web sites to identify users and keep track of their preferences.  A cookie is a very small file stored on your computer that contains information that the web browser can send to the web site. Speedy Spots uses cookies to when you sign in or access an electronic invoice.

Cookies are considered by some to be a privacy or security risk, however, Speedy Spots stores no personal or confidential information in the cookie.

In order to sign in or view invoices, you must enable the storage of cookies for Speedy Spots is sensitive to concerns about safety and privacy. For this reason, we created instructions that enable the use of cookies on our site, while retaining your existing settings.

Please ensure you have a supported web browser and configure your browser.


Javascript / Scripting Problems

Problem: Some Speedy Spots pages do not display correctly due to the disabling of scripting in your browser.

Solution: Please ensure that you are using the most updated version of a supported web browser and enable JavaScript to run in your browser.

What's New

Halloween is Coming! MWA-HA-HA!
Ghosts and Goblins! Witches and Werewolves! Who could be responsible for these terrible creatures? Our voice talents! Check out our Halloween Demos that will put a scare into your audience!